
4804 Carolina Beach Rd.  
Wilmington, NC  28412




Zip______________________                  Country __________________
Home Phone:________________________    Work Phone:___________________________________

Number of children:________    Ages:____________________________________________________


Residence:  Single Family_____    Apt/Condo_____     Trailer_____     Farm_____   

Are you willing to permit a home check?     Yes____No____
Fenced yard? Yes____No____

Leashed walks? Frequent_____Occasional_____None_____
How many hours left alone per day?_____________________________________________________
Where will dog stay when alone?________________________________________________________


When family is home?__________________________________________________________________

Do you currently own a dog?________     How many?______
Breed, sex, name and age of dog(s)_______________________________________________________


Do you have a preference about male or female dog?_________________________________________

Do you have a color preference?__________________________________________________________

Ears:  uncropped__________
Does anyone in your family have allergies to dogs __________________________________________

On a scale from 1 to 10 ( 10 being the most active) how active would you say your family is _______
Would puppy be with you during this family activity? Yes____ No_____

Are you willing to travel to pick up dog? Yes_____No_____
Are you aware of the yearly costs of maintaining a healthy dog?______________________________
Why do you want a dog?_______________________________________________________________


What aspect of a dog is most important to you? Protection__________Friendship_______________
How would you prevent, manage your dog’s inappropriate (not so good)



Are all members of your household aware you are acquiring a dog?_____________________________
Do they all approve?_______
Who will be primary caregiver?___________________________________________________________
Disposition of prior dog(s): stolen_____ran away_____sold_____given




Veterinarian (name & number)___________________________________________________________

Vet checks are made so please inform your vet that a breeder will be calling him for Information

Thank you,  


Copy and Paste this Questionnaire to send by email to willowrun@toast.net .

To send by mail please use the PRINTABLE QUESTIONNAIRE

This site is owned by and designed for Willowrun Great Danes.

Permission to use all pictures and graphics on these pages
MUST be obtained from Willowrun Great Danes.

Web page by Sharlait Danes.