Phyllis A.
Lockwood ~ PAL (aka Phyllis Bronson).
established in
1965 and is named for the
weeping willow trees which surrounded
runs in Stony
Point, NY. Willowrun is
presently situated in Wilmington, NC.
Dane was an
uncropped harlequin bitch who I obtained
from a pet shop. With her began a
captivating journey and a
passion for the breed which endures to present day.
Early in my
involvement with Danes, my husband
and I became members of the Great Dane Club of
This was the turning point in my Dane education .
My decades long
involvement with the breed has been and
remains an ongoing learning process. My biggest
is mentoring, helping tomorrow's breeder get a head start.
Sharing is
self educating!
years, I was fortunate to find competent mentors who helped
satiate my appetite for
knowledge about the Great Dane breed. These were
noteworthy breeders of the time
who generously shared their knowledge and experience with
me, among them was Rose
Roberts of Dinro fame. These dedicated individuals
helped me understand the very
important role breeders undertake; today's breeders are
the guardians of the
future of the Great Dane breed. Although I was advantaged by
my associations with
these “keepers of the breed”, I
sometimes stumbled
along the way as I worked to breed
competitive Great Danes. During those early years,
the blue colored Danes in particular
often lacked desirable breed type and frequently had less
than pleasing
conformation. Consequently, they were less competitive in AKC
conformation competitions. At
times, fellow breeders encouraged me to abandon the blues in favor
of colors which were
more likely to earn their championships. This input only fueled
my desire to produce
blue Danes of excellent quality; don’t tell me I
“can’t”, the word "can't" is not
in my
dictionary! Determined, I embraced the added challenge of
producing not just
excellent Danes but excellence in blue Danes. This was to be
a complicated endeavor!
foundation blue
bitch came to me from Riverwood Ranch Great Danes in
Willowrun’s Blue v Rvwd (aka Mouse) was all I’d
dreamed of in a Great Dane bitch, and more.
All of her many records still stand today.
Ch. Mouse was out of Joqui, a female sired
by a German import from the Schwartzwald kennels. One of
her grand pups became the
first and ONLY blue Dane to win the Great Dane Club
of America’s
coveted Best in Futurity Bitch award , this was Willowrun's My Blue
Heaven. Later, a young blue
male who was another descendent won Best in Futurity.
involvement with the breed, the gene pool for blue Danes in the
US was small. Examples
of good quality blues were rare here. As I pursued my goal
to improve upon the
quality of blue Danes (and keep my line color pure), I set my
sights on Europe to locate
sound breeding stock to serve the breed. Carolyn Thomas
of Harmony Hills Great
Danes acquainted me with Linda vd Vijver of
Buitengebeuren Kennels in Holland.
As the cliché goes, the rest is history. Working with Linda,
I came to appreciate her as
a generous person and honest breeder. By combining our
separate lines of Danes we
increased the diversity of the blue gene pool available to both of
us on each side of the
Atlantic. My foundation bitch Mouse was bred to a
Buitengebeuren dog and so began my
deep, enduring friendship with Linda which I continue to
enjoy today. Together,
Linda and I went through ups and downs as our breeding
programs progressed. We held
fast to our mutual goal of producing excellence in Great Danes.
I used
blacks from black/blue lines to further broaden the blue
gene pool. While breeding
black Danes to blue Danes is accepted in the USA, it is
not permitted in Holland
except with special dispensation from their Kennel Club.
A carefully planned
inbreeding of my blue foundation bitch, Ch. " Mouse", bred to
her black brother Am/Can.
Ch Willowrun’s Tomterifc v Rvwd (aka Tommy),
produced Willowrun’s
Candidate who was my foundation blue male. Candidate was bred to
my imported black bitch
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren. Cartouche was also the result
of an inbreeding, a
pairing between
Ch.Impton Apache and his litter sister Impton Oneida. These
came to
v 't Buitengebeuren when Margaret Everton of
Impton Great Dane fame
stopped breeding -- they were two outstanding blacks. Candidate
bred to Cartouche produced
Willowrun's Spike, a blue. Spike was bred to
Willowrun's Zena v Sharcon. That
breeding produced my world famous
Int. Ch. Rachel's Ravon Pal v Willowrun, an
enormous and sound black male who was an excellent example of
how crossing American
Danes with European Danes can produce excellent
representatives of the breed.
As I
improving my blue line in the US I also benefited from
friendships and camaraderie with
many wonderful breeders including the Grays’ (Owlwatch
Great Danes) and Linda
Arndt (Blackwatch Great Danes). All of the many associations
I’ve enjoyed with fellow
fanciers over the years have each contributed to what
the Willowrun kennel is
on and
it’s not always about dogs… I’ve
returned my attention to the breed after a 10 year
hiatus. During those years, my life saw many changes. I
divorced, disbanded my kennel
and put myself through college while on sabbatical from
the world of breeding
Danes. I used this time away to step back and study where I
had been with the Danes
and where I wished to go. My pause from Danes didn’t last
long. I took on a wonderful
black great-grandson of my Int. Ch Ravon. Also named Ravon,
he is the sire of two
champions out of just two litters.
committed to
the pursuit of my original goal ~ to breed excellent quality
blue Great Danes. My long
time Holland friend Linda aided my effort to reestablish
the Willowrun kennel when
she coordinated shipping a beautiful blue bitch sired by
her Dutch Ch. Blue Balou
and out of a vom Römersee bitch, Gina, a daughter of Ninja v
't Buitengebeuren from
the Romersee kennel in Germany; this produced Neala.
later Linda
sent me three more import Dane pups. This time I was delighted to
receive two blacks
from her own kennel, and another blue female from the Römersee
Kennel. All of these lovely imports go back to Willowrun.
I plan
continue to
immerse myself in the world of this breed which I love so much.
I wish to extend my
appreciation to the special people who keep Danes in their
homes and hearts and to
those breeders who thoughtfully shape the future of the breed.
For your assistance and
support, I thank you.
have done
it all alone... it took generous breeders who imparted their
and time. It took friends of incredible loyalty. It took a
family who worked together,
beside me, behind me. It took trust and respect
between breeders and owners
alike to help Willowrun evolve into what it is today.. This
is where I am today,
enjoying my Danes, many of my old friends and all of you
“out there”.
Thank you all! PAL
© 2006-2007 This site
is owned by and designed for
Willowrun Great Danes.
to use all
pictures and graphics on these pages
obtained from
Willowrun Great Danes.
page by Sharlait
Danes. |