Bubba's Willowrun Bouncer CDX

Bouncer was my super obedience dog. He was a black out of
a Harl breeding I did, I started out in Harls.
Bouncer was very special and we used him in
exhibitions.  He was used  in many fashion
shoots and live runway shows too. He was a great steady dog.

The above picture shows Bouncer with Marty at a fashion show. Phyllis
had him at the back of the theater and the runway model called him from
where she was up on the stage. Bouncer left Phyllis and bounded down the aisle
and up onto the stage to go to heel position beside the model, who was
holding one of Phyllis's Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

This image was used on the front cover of an Argentine
dog magazine. It shows Marty with Dinro Bocador.
Bocador needed only one point to finish.
Marty, sadly, passed away after a long battle with kidney disease.

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Permission to use all pictures and graphics on these pages
MUST be obtained from Willowrun Great Danes.

Web page by Sharlait Danes.