Early January litter expected

Willowrun's Link to Linc
Willowrun's Trace to Ramac

Link                                                            Tracy

Willowrun's Link To Linc Am/Can Int'l Ch Laur's Continental Style CGC BISS Ch Sandale's Typecast Ch Sheenwater Final Countdown
Ch Kaidane Positively Sandale
Laur's Nala Ch Wil-Tor's DB Cooper
Ch Kaidane Positively Sandale
Neala Willowrun vom Romersee

CH. Blue Balou
v.'t. Buitengebeuren
Yordache v.'t. Buitengebeuren
Ch Wichita v.'t. Buitengebeuren

Gina Vom Romersee
Ch. Erchino v. Lion's Cottage
Ninja v.'t. Buitengebeuren
Willowrun's Trace To Ramac Am. Int. CH Ramacs N Excess v Hauer
M.j.b. Hauerdane's Mr. Coffee
CH Longo's Primo D'aquino
CH Jc's Antigua's Sweet Revenge

Brana's Queen of Spades
Brana's Strut Your Stuff
Brana's Black Orchid
Qutie Willowrun vt' Buitengebeuren
Yac vd Schlehhecke
Lino vd Schlehhecke
Raina-Lisa vd Schlehhecke

Lena v Romersee
CH Efendi vt' Buitengebeuren
Gina v Romersee

This site is owned by and designed for Willowrun Great Danes.
Permission to use all pictures and graphics on these pages
MUST be obtained from Willowrun Great Danes.

Web page by Sharlait Danes.